Just Economics aims to have a membership that reflects the diversity of our community, with an intentional focus on leadership from low-wage workers and others most affected by the issues we work on. Voices for Economic Justice is an 8-week workshop series that incorporates popular economics education and community organizing skill-building, with the aim to build leadership among low-wage workers and low-income persons. We offer virtual workshops in the spring and in person workshops in the Fall.
If you would like to sign up as a participant, are in volunteering for the workshop, or making a donation, please contact 828-505-7466 or email [email protected]

The primary objectives of Voices for Economic Justice are:
1. Education:
Voices participants deepen their understanding of current economic conditions and develop community organizing skills through popular education workshops led by experienced facilitators.
2. Community:
Voices builds community support by bringing low-wage workers from diverse backgrounds together around a shared experience. The Voices program also strengthens the relationship between low-wage workers and Just Economics through membership and creating avenues for future long-term involvement.
3. Action:
Voices participants take the lead in the movement for social and economic justice by engaging in Just Economics work and mobilizing their voices in community education and organizing activities.
Our participants not only learn organizing and leadership skills, they also put their aquired skills into practice. Each training, the participants work on a project, either group or indivdually. Better Buses Together was created by Voices participants and the concept for our Centralized Rental Application came from the Voices participants of 2019. In 2023, participants divided into groups to create zines around issues impacting them. Check them out through the links below
Workers Rights