COVID 19 Resources 2021

Community Resources For Buncombe County

Information and Resources from Buncombe County

Mutual Aid:

BeLoved COVID-19 response Facebook Group: 

Asheville Survival Program

Internet Access:



Food Assistance in Buncombe County

Mental Health:

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline:
800-950-NAMI, [email protected]


COVID related updates at Asheville Transit:

For Workers:

WNC Workers Center COVID 19 Relief Fund

Relief for service industry workers:

Relief fund for bartenders 

Relief Funds for artists and musicians:, I Care if you Listen

This list or resources from the Gig Workers Collective

Freelancer Emergency Fund

Industry United Facebook Group for Restaurant Industry to ask and answer questions 

Hospitality Industry Alliance Facebook Group

For Businesses:

The One Buncombe Fund is accepting applications again

SBA Disaster Loans 

Facebook Small Business Grants

Industry United Facebook Group for Restaurant Industry to ask and answer questions 

Hospitality Industry Alliance Facebook Group

Innovations in Hospitality// COVID-19

Asheville Strong: a “gathering place” for local businesses to offer gift cards.

The Asheville Grown Business Alliance list of resources

The Asheville Independent Restaurants list of resources

Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Small Business Issues and Solutions Guide



Leave No Worker Behind (emergency unemployment benefits)  Send a letter to the state legislature to improve unemployment benefits immediately.  Visit the NC AFL-CIO’s action alert to send a letter to legislators here


NC Justice Center: Tell Senator Tillis and Burr to act on unemployment benefits TODAY

Paid Sick Days:  Call on Senator Burr and Tillis to keep the paid sick days response to covid-19 intact.  Learn more and sign the petition here.

Paid Sick Days, childcare, healthcare:  You can also call Burr or Tillis directly to ask them to prioritize child care, paid leave, and health care for those in harm’s way.  Thanks to Children First/CIS of Buncombe County for this action alert (which includes phone numbers).  Click here to take action. (housing) – makes contacting the legislature easy to ask for financial support for folks to pay rent.

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